Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. ~ Confucius
From a very young age Cihan Türkoğlu was introduced to this very pleasure, and discovered that music was the path he was to follow. The first instrument Cihan held in his hands was the Turkish folk lute known as bağlama (saz) and so, his musical journey began. Deeply rooted in his culture’s tradition, and having discovered his love for music, he became an autodidact bağlama player. Later, he commenced his studies in classical music at the Marmara University in Istanbul focusing on the cello. Never having neglected his passion for the bağlama, and feeling the need to broaden his knowledge, Cihan decided in 2005 to further his studies under the tutelage of one of Turkey’s grand masters of the instrument, Mehmet Erenler.


San Tis Smyrnis To Yangini - VUSLAT

Düğüm (feat. Kelly Thoma)